For those that could not attend here is a summary of what took place at the meeting.
It was decided to add an additional ride on Sunday as a social ride. Leaving with the usual Sunday ride group. BWCC members had the choice to get involved in the hammerfest or take up the lantern rouge and ride socially as a group finishing with refreshments.
We are hoping Janet will stay on as Team Mum and this was made known to Tina on our behalf to pass on.
Those that are racing are to commit to attendance by Thursday evening so that Team organization can take place accordingly.
Again we are asking people to use the Forum as the main way of official communication. Whats ap is good for short conversational banter but meaningful matters need to be addressed here.
kit. It was decided that people are happy to continue in the current kit for another year. Some designs were reviewed and will be adopted next year. It was also agreed that the club wished to continue with the Bull dog as it’s emblem.
We will propose with the BBA that our race duties in regards to organization be combined to promote a Bicycle Works Grand Prix on consistent yearly date on the calendar. This would allow racers to get the marshaling commitment out the way in one go and to promote the event on a grander scale hopefully bringing in some over seas riders.
BWCC are happy to see the proposal of doing away with categories as they currently exist and being replaced with more combined racing.
Safety was brought up and we insist on road laws being abide to we cannot oversee a driver education program and that should come under the umbrella of the BBA.